Garlic and Herb Compound Butter

Cultured butter, fresh garlic, fresh herbs, and salt

As we enter the cozy months, there is nothing I love more than easy comfort foods that are easy to whip up. This versatile compound butter is SO EASY and can be used for so many different dishes. It can be as simple as a generous slather on a piece of freshly toasted crusty sourdough, the perfect finishing sauce for a juicy local ribeye, the velvety base for a pasta cream sauce, and so much more!

In addition to being delicious, compound butter keeps well in the refrigerator or freezer so you can make it in large batches and have it ready to go! If you have fresh herbs that are beginning to look sad, compound butter is a great way to preserve and not let them go to waste. The recipe here is very basic, but can be customized with endless possibility. Change up the herbs, add different spices, or go the sweet route with a brown sugar, cinnamon, maple blend!

Compound butter with freshly harvested d’avignon radishes are a delicious combination!Photo taken at Elkstone Farm by Danielle Zimmerer Photography

Compound butter with freshly harvested d’avignon radishes are a delicious combination!

Photo taken at Elkstone Farm by Danielle Zimmerer Photography


1 stick butter, softened

1 Tbsp garlic, minced

1 Tbsp parsley, minced

1 Tbsp chives, finely chopped

Salt to taste (yes, taste it!)

  1. With a fork or spatula, combine ingredients into the softened butter.

  2. Season with salt to taste.

  3. Store in a small mason jar or roll into a log with parchment paper and keep in the refrigerator or freezer until use!

*Notes: Chopping your ingredients finely helps to distribute them better within the butter. If the pieces are too large, the butter will not coat them as nicely and the shelf life will be shorter.